Our "Laboratorio Artigianale" in Italy

Añel Racer Shoes are entirely handmade with the best Italian leather in Sala Consilina, a small town located in Salerno, Italy.

Sala Consilina is a town in the province of Salerno in the Campania region of southwestern Italy.
With its cobbled streets, the enchanting landscape, its hot summers, this quiet town in Salento offers the perfect environment for craftmanship and dedication.

The making of the Añel shoes

How the Master Artisans Craft Each Individual Shoe to the Highest Standards of Quality
First, the leather is carefully selected for each model. We use only the highest quality calfskin for
an unfor
gettable feel.

These leathers are then hand-dyed to create the eye-catching patterns and vibrant colors so
iconic in our models.

Next, the leather is individually cut by hand in the form of the models
At this point, the individual pieces are placed together and prepared to be stitched by hand. This
is when the models come to
life! However, this is also the most important part of the entire
process. The artisans must be extremely precise in uniting the pieces to make sure they line up
perfectly once the sewing begins.

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